Monday, 22 December 2014

Christmas in 1914

We have all heard the now-famous story of the 1914 Christmas Truce. At this time of year we reflect on our ancestors who fought in the Great War and we commemorate their wartime sacrifices with services, cards, advertising and their tenuous 1914 Christmas celebrations, 100 years on. The following two newspaper stories, relevant to the people of Beccles, were printed in the East Suffolk Gazette in early January 1915.

BECCLES MEN FIGHTING THE TURKS: Mr. W G Money of Beccles, has received a letter from several of the men of Beccles who form part of the Indian Expeditionary Force, with an enclosure in which they say:- "having heard in various ways that you would like to receive letters from men of Beccles who are in the army, we the undersigned are sending this letter thinking that our towns people would like to know where all Beccles men on active service are fighting. There are ten of us serving with the above expeditionary force, and in the same regiment operating somewhere in Asia Minor against the Turks.  Having seen in the back numbers of your by as much esteemed paper that several of our old school chums have been wounded and in one case killed in Europe, we would like to offer our sympathies to them and their relations."

CHRISTMAS IN FRANCE by Corporal [Albert Jarmy] Mickleburgh in the RASC wrote to the people of Beccles: “Somewhere in France”
"We paraded this morning at 5 am and everyone was presented with a card from their Majesties. I found a large ruined farmhouse and about 50 of us turned in and made things comfortable. Someone had obtained some fowls and a joint of meat. I found an oven, like those old fashioned ones in the country round St Andrews, I heated it and hired some crockery from the village cafe, bought beer and a tablecloth etc. The dinner was in the open, with snow on the ground - a typical Christmas Dinner at the front.
I have had the great pleasure of sleeping in a bed in an old lady’s cottage for this last two days - there are three of us here - and I can tell you we appreciate it very much, especially as we have had the chance of a bath and general clean up. I had Christmas pudding heated up in the cottage I’m sleeping in -- invited a few chums in, and enjoyed it very much." 

(Albert Jarmy Mickleburgh was born in Beccles in 1878. He married Ellen Jane Clemence in 1899. Their son, Albert Charles Mickleburgh, joined the RAF in 1917 (when he turned 18). Both survived the war. Albert Jarmy Mickleburgh, who worked for the Waveney Press, died in 1939.)

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my regular readers and all Becclesians a very Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year. I will be back in 2015 with more blog posts and historical anecdotes on the town. The following image has been taken from the 2008 Beccles calendar and is a painting by the wonderful Beccles artist, Joe Crowfoot. I visited his home in 2007 to purchase some of his paintings and works and I still have them today. He is my favourite local artist and this is a particular favourite painting of mine.

Copyright, Joe Crowfoot

Friday, 7 November 2014

William Beane : Chimney Sweep

William Beane was born in Beccles in 1831, the son of John Beane and Lydia Lester. In 1841 John and Lydia and their seven children resided at Jones's Score in Beccles. Their neighbours were my four times great-grandmother Mary Ann Waters, and my three times great-grandfather George Waters. The Beane family lived at Jones's Score even after John Beane died in 1847, aged 51 but some time before 1861, Lydia and her son William and daughter Lydia moved to Swine's Green (William's brother Thomas Beane remained at Jones's Score until his death in 1889. He was also a Chimney Sweep). The following census sees William and his mother Lydia living in London Road. His sister Lydia married in 1874 and his mother died in 1879 at the age of 86. By 1891, William was living in Newgate Street in a shed belonging to William Thorpe. William was never married.

William 'Billy' Beane was a Chimney Sweep, employed to clear soot and ash from chimneys, the trade learned from his father John Beane who was also a Sweep. It is more than likely that William started out by going with his father on jobs around Beccles, as his "climbing boy". These were apprentices of the master sweep, who were small enough to be able to climb inside the chimney flue. Sometimes master sweeps employed paupers or orphans from the workhouse. Once a boy's seven-year apprenticeship was completed, he could work as a journeyman sweep, continuing to work for a master sweep of his choice.
A master sweep could have more than one apprentice. They would start the morning by walking through the streets of the town, calling out such cries as, "Soot - Oh Sweep" to let house-owners know that they were around. Once engaged in a job the climbing boys would crawl caterpillar-like up through the flue of the chimney and use a brush to dislodge the loose soot and scrape away any solid bits. The soot would then be collected and bagged up to be carried back to the master sweep's cart or nearby yard. Soot was a valuable commodity in Victorian times, sometimes fetching as much as 9 pence for a bushel. Sweep's cleared around four to five chimneys per day.
At least once a week the boys were bathed in a tub by the mistress of the sweep's yard, so this would have been done by Lydia Beane.

Victorian Sweep Boy

A sweep's life was brutally hard. The constant exposure to thick black dust and soot and the hot flues, caused burns, bruises and calloused skin, eye inflammation and the very real possibility of falling, contracting cancer or respiratory disease. They usually slept rough, ate little and could easily develop spinal problems resulting in deformity or stunted growth.
In 1875 a new Chimney Sweepers Act superseded the Chimney Sweepers and Chimneys Regulation Act of 1840. The 1875 Act ensured that all chimney sweeps had to be registered with the police therefore the boys work was officially supervised.

 *       *       *

In May 1864 William Beane was sentenced to two months imprisonment with hard labour for assaulting a Police Constable. Two years later, William was charged with wilfully damaging property of the Victoria Arms. He was turned out by the landlord after becomning verbally abusive and he then struck a window with his fist and kicked it. Beane was fined 9 shillings and 6 pence, and 4 shillings and 6 pence damages.

An interesting marriage union came about in 1874 after an appearance in court by William Flowers who was assaulted by Lydia Beane's (William's sister) former "love interest", Jim Crowe. Flowers, aged 84, had usurped Crowe by winning Lydia's affections after Crowe had left Beccles for some time and was not happy to hear the news upon returning to the town. Jim Crowe was fined 18 shillings and 6 pence or 14 days imprisonment. To put the younger generation in the shade, William Flowers won Lydia Beane's heart, a woman half his age, and they were married that same year. A celebration which was well renowned in Beccles at that time. However, the romance quickly turned sour when in January 1875 William Flowers attempted suicide by hanging. His brother-in-law, Billy Beane, found him in the shed (at Flowers' home in Ravensmere) and cut him down. Subsequently William Flowers cut his own throat and was sent to Shipmeadow Workhouse where he later died.

In September 1874, William Beane was imprisoned for six weeks with hard labour after unlawfully assaulting Robert Goldsmith. Beane was living in a house belonging to Goldsmith but he had refused to pay the rent on several occasions. There were several minor "barneys" between Goldsmith and Beane until the situation escalated where a court appearance and charges were made.
In September 1880 William was given twenty-eight days hard labour for being drunk and abusive towards Margaret Girling, the landlady of the Butchers' Arms. She would not serve him out of hours and when Girling's husband pushed him out of the door, he broke several windows.

William 'Billy' Beane died in 1897. His death record claims he was 70 years old but he was more likely to have been 66.

A romantic footnote to this story is that in Great Britain it is considered lucky for a bride to see a chimney sweep on her wedding day. A family friend from the UK sent me a sweep keepsake on a wrist band (like the one seen below) when I got married. Some modern-day brides even hire a chimney sweep to attend their wedding!

Chimney Sweep bride's keepsake

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

James Beales : Town Crier

James Beales was the bill-poster and town crier for Beccles from the 1850s through to his death in 1909. Before the days of affordable newspapers and improved education laws, men like James Beales would have held a position of great importance and nobility (His father, James Beales senior, was also a town bill-poster in Beccles). Historically, a town crier was an officer of the Court and his job was to make public pronouncements in the streets. The stereotypical image of a town crier would be of a portly gent in a red robe or coat and tricorne hat, waving a handbell in one hand and carrying a proclamation in his other hand. He would shout, "Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Oyez! Oyez!" in a clear, booming voice so as to be heard over the din of horses hooves and traffic wheeling by as well as general street and pedestrian activity. Proclamations, local bylaws, market days, and advertisements were all proclaimed by a crier or bellman.

James Beales was baptised in 1833 in Halesworth, county Suffolk but almost all of his life was spent in Beccles. He was the son of James Beales and although his baptism record says his mother's name was Patience, his mother was Elizabeth on the census returns of 1841 and 1851 (It is possible that Elizabeth could have been his step-mother).
The 1841 census return shows the Beales family living at Wash Lane in Ingate Street where James Beales (senior) was working as a Tin Plate Maker. James junior was aged 9, and he had two sisters, Caroline and Ann, and two brothers, William and Charles. In 1851 the family had moved to a premises in Hungate Street.

On 17 January 1855 James junior married Maria Dean at St Augustine's Church in Norwich. They had one known son, James Joseph Beales, born later that same year, in Beccles.
The Beccles newspaper of April 1858 carried an advertisement thus:
ADVERTISEMENT: James Beales*, Messenger, Bill-Poster & Distributor, Hungate Street.
*This would have been James Beales senior as James junior was living in Blyburgate Street with his wife Maria and their son James Joseph. James Beales junior was a Messenger & Auctioneer's Assistant.
On 12 March 1859, James Beales (senior) died, aged 64 years. The newspaper reported that he was for many years bill-poster in Beccles.
In September 1865 the Beccles newspaper advertised James Beales (junior), Bill Poster & Auctioneer's Assistant as having moved to Hungate. Tragically, three years later, James Joseph Beales died aged 13.
In September 1872 James Beales was ordered by the Council to "remove encroachments" created by his new shop in Hungate. In January 1875 the East Suffolk Gazette reported that James Beales (bill-poster) had been appointed the new Beccles bellman after James Potter resigned.
The 1877 Beccles Almanack advertised the following:
ADVERTISEMENT: Hungate Street, Beccles, James Beales, Bill Poster, Auctioneer's Assistant & Town Crier. Umbrellas and Parasols manufactured & neatly repaired. All frames recovered.
(The umbrella and parasol manufacturer was Maria Beales, who in the 1901 census return was recorded as "umbrella maker".)

Hungate Street, Beccles (postcard)

Sometime before 1881, James and his wife Maria moved to Smallgate Street and it was here they remained until their deaths. Their former premises in Hungate Street was sold in late 1878 and eventually pulled down that same year.
The Kelly's Directory of 1883 records James Beales under the heading of PUBLIC OFFICERS: Town Crier, Smallgate Street. Under the COMMERCIAL section: James Beales, Bill Poster & Town Crier, Smallgate Street.

Something went wrong for James Beales from the turn of the new century. The first decade of the 1900s saw James appear in the newspapers several times. The Beccles Almanack of November 1902 reported that he met with a serious accident when descending the hill from White Horse Yard to Puddingmoor, fracturing his left arm. The report doesn't state the nature of his accident, whether he was riding a bicycle, a small cart or on foot.
The story which drew me to write this blog post was the one printed in the Nottingham Post of 25 July 1903. The very short piece reads thus:
Beales, the borough bellman of Beccles, an old man, was sentenced yesterday to fourteen days' imprisonment for using obscene language. On removal to the cell he attempted suicide by cutting his throat with a razor, which he had concealed in his pocket. His recovery is probable.
Sadly, it doesn't end there. On 27 September 1904 the East Suffolk Gazette reported that James Beales, Bill Poster & Town Crier, was drunk at the One Bell public-house in Smallgate Street "where defendent was excitable, his language was unbearable in the street and many parts of the town....the time has come when he should not be allowed to insult women and children". Beales was sentenced to another fourteen days imprisonment in Norwich Gaol when he reportedly claimed in court, "Well I have been there before and now have to go again."

Bill-Poster, 1890s

The East Suffolk Gazette of February 1908 reported that Fred Hall of Northgate Street was the new Town Crier of Beccles. Maria Beales died later that same year, aged 71. James Beales died in 1909, aged 77.

Monday, 8 September 2014

George Simmonds and Sarah Jane Stringer

Beccles man, George Simmonds, assaulted his wife Sarah Jane and a police constable in 1895. In 1903 he tried to kill his wife and then he committed suicide by slitting his own throat with a razor.

In July 1895 George Simmonds was brought before the Mayor of Beccles, charged with unlawfully assaulting a police constable. Finding the headline in the Ipswich Journal newspaper took me by surprise because the headline read BECCLES POLICEMAN ATTACKED WITH A BILL-HOOK, not BECCLES WOMAN ATTACKED BY HUSBAND.

The story goes that police-constable Leftley was called to the house of George Simmonds, a lodging house keeper, in consequence of a violent attack made by Simmonds on his wife. When Leftley entered the house, George Simmonds rushed at him with a bill-hook. These were traditionally used in agriculture as a small wood cutting tool. The blow cut through the rim of his helmet and knocked it from the constable's head. Simmonds was reported as being "mad with drink". After attempting to strangle the constable, Simmonds was eventually overpowered by several men and subsequently walked quietly to the Police Station. He was later sent to Norwich Prison.

The Lincolnshire Echo newspaper of 12 March 1903 reported a more tragic story, one which shocked me to the core. George Simmonds went to the house of his wife Sarah Jane, who was living apart from him, and after an exchange of angry words, stabbed her in the chest with a butcher's knife. She managed to escape from him where he subsequently committed suicide by cutting his own throat. Sarah Jane recovered. George did not.

George Simmonds was born in 1853, the son of James Simmonds, ag lab, and Mary Turner (The Simmonds name was also transcribed as Simmons, Summons and Summonds). In 1861 the Simmonds family were living in Ingate Street. James, aged 42, was a labourer by trade. James and Mary had nine known children.

George married Sarah Jane Stringer on 20 January 1876 at St Michael's Church in Beccles. Sarah Jane was born in 1853 in Lowestoft, the daughter of Robert Stringer, blacksmith, and Mary Ann Jarvis. What may or may not be telling is the fact that Sarah Jane signed her name on the marriage certificate, George signed with an "X".

George and Sarah Jane had eight children, three of whom died. In 1881, George and Sarah Jane were living in Smallgate Street with their two young children, Robert and Fanny. By 1891 their family had grown from two to six children and they were living in Newgate Street. George's occupation had changed from general labourer to pork butcher. The 1891-2 White's Directory also listed George Simmons [sic] as Pork Butcher of Newgate St, Beccles. However, in 1901 George and Sarah are living separately but close by - he was Titshall Alley (off Northgate Street), living alone, and she was in Ravensmere with four of their children. I cannot yet find any evidence of George Simmonds being a lodging house keeper between 1891 and 1901.

Northgate, Beccles

Now that I have read the two newspaper reports, I understand why they were living apart and why Sarah Jane was recorded as a widow on the 1911 census return.

In 1911 Sarah Jane was living in Rosemary Lane (off Northgate Street) with four of her children, Edward; Herbert, Frederick and Rosa (known as Hilda). Edward, aged 24, was working as a carter for the Co-Op Stores Society. Sarah Jane's daughter Fanny (born 1879) married Ernest George Turner on Christmas Day 1899 at St Michael's Church. He was a Printer Pressman, aged 27 and she was aged 18. Her brother Robert and sister Elizabeth were witnesses. They were married by Rev. John Rowsell. In 1911 they were living at 10 Hungate Street and they worked together at Burton's Stores. They adopted a daughter, Cicely Vera Pruse [sic] who was aged 7 in 1911, after having had two children that both died in infancy.

Sarah Jane's father Robert Stringer died in Edgefield, county Norfolk in 1919, aged 91. Amazingly he outlived each of his three wives (Mary Ann Jarvis, Amelia Thompson and Sarah Ann Barrett).

Sarah Jane Simmonds died in 1927, aged 73.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Centenary of World War One : Beccles Men in the Great War

4 August 2014 marks the 100th year since Great Britain declared war on Germany. The 1914-1918 campaign would become known as The Great War. This blog post honours those Beccles men who served and died "for King and Country".

The first Beccles man to fall was Pte. Frederick William Seago on August 26, 1914; the last before the signing of the Armistice was Sgnr. Harold Herbert Hadingham, who died of wounds on November 10, 1918. My great grand-uncle William Burgione Waters is also among the names listed below.

"Some twenty of our heroes lie buried in Beccles, and their names are specially marked with an asterisk (*). Yearly their graves will be decorated, and their memories thus kept green. And to those who fell on the many far-off battle-fields, parents and friends and townsmen alike may feel confident that kindly and grateful hands will long tend those few feet of foreign soil that will now be for ever England. Heroes all, we owe them a debt we can never repay; for they died that we might live; and though sad hearts in Beccles to-day mourn their loss, they feel it was a sacrifice well worth the making."

Those last words, written in 1920, don't particularly sit well with me. Well worth the making? I'm not convinced of that; for those loved ones and family who lost their sons, their brothers, their uncles, their cousins, their friends, their lovers, it would certainly not have been worth it. For the good of our country as a whole, dying so we might live? I am forever grateful to each and every one of these boys, and they are commemorated in this special blog post.

Becces War Memorial, c. 1921

 ALDEN, Ernest, 1, Bridge-street, 7th Suffolks, L/Cpl. Killed April 10, 1917.
ALEXANDER, William F., St. Anne's-rd, H.M.D. Ocean Star, 2nd Hd. R. N. R. T. Blown up Sept. 26, 1917.
ALLEN, Herbert T., Ingate House, 9th Seaforth Highldrs., Capt. M.D. Killed Sept. 25, 1915.
AMIS, Ernest N., 20, Old Mill-terrace, 11th Royal Fusiliers, Pte. Killed Mar. 23, 1918.
ANDREWS, John, 5, Fen-lane, 7th Suffolks, Pte. Died of W.. July 22, 1915.
ASHLEY, Albert E., 33, Caxton-road, 7th East Yorks, L/Sergt. M.M. Killed July 10, 1916.

BAKER, George W., Stepping-hill, H.M.D. George V., Deck Hand. Blown up June 3, 1917.
BALLS, Frederick L., 4, Grove Cottages, 7th Buffs, Pte. Died of W.. July 3, 1916.
BALLS, William A., 4, Grove Cottages, 8th East Surreys, Pte. Killed July 1, 1916.
BALLS, James, 51, Ingate, 8th East Surreys, L/Cpl. Killed May 3, 1917.
BALLS, Oscar J., 4, Knights'-yard, Ravensmeer, 8th Suffolks, Pte. Killed Sept. 20, 1916.
BARBER, Alfred J., 72, Denmark-road, R.E., Spr. Killed April 26, 1918.
BARBER, George J., 21, Pound-road, 2nd Royal West Surreys, Pte. W. Killed Oct. 4, 1917.
BARNARD, Stanley W., 46, Fair Close-road, 1/5 Suffolks, L/Cpl. Killed Nov. 2, 1917.
BARNES, Albert G., 72, Blyburgate, 1st Londons, C.Q.M.S. Died of W.. June 1, 1918.
BARNES, John H., 49, Station-road, 12th Rifle Brigade, Rflmn. W. Killed Feb. 12, 1916.
BARTON, Frank H., 7, Queen's-road, 1st Royal Fusiliers, 2nd Lt. Killed (acc.) Nov. 5, 1918.
BATES, Charles C., 8, New-road, 7th Norfolks, L/Cpl. Killed Oct. 13, 1915.
BEANE, Arthur J., 53, Denmark-road, H.M.S. Vanguard, Stkr. Blown up July 9, 1917.
*BETTS, Edmund C., 2, Ingate, 8th Suffolks, Sergt. W. Died of W.. Aug. 2, 1916.
BICKERS, George, 31, Smallgate, R.F.A., Bomb. Died of W.. May 20, 1918.
BLOOMFIELD, Harry, Under Archway, Ingate, 1/5 Gloucesters, Pte. Killed Aug. 16, 1917.
BOLINGBROKE, Reginald O., 64, Northgate, Q. O. Oxf Hus., Cpl. M.D. Died of W.. Jan. 27, 1916.
BOREHAM, John, 4, Bullocks-lane, 24th Royal Fusiliers, Pte. Killed April 30, 1917.
BRADNUM, George, 5, Newgate, 8th East Surreys, L/Cpl. Pris. Died Nov. 15, 1916.
BRANFORD, Ernest R., 12, Blyburgate, 1st Royal Fusiliers, Pte. Killed July 31, 1917.
BROWN, Fred A., 18, Denmark-road, Royal Berks, L,/Cpl. Killed Aug. 22, 1917.
BROWN, Frederick A., 26, Fair Close-road, Ox. and Bucks. Lt. Inf., Pte. Killed Aug. 22, 1917.
BROWN, Martin W., 26, Fair Close-road, 8th Suffolks, Pte. Killed July 20, 1916.
BURGESS, Thomas G., 30, Bullocks-lane, 7th Norfolks, L/Cpl. Died of W.. May 15, 1918.
BYFORD, Ernest J., 15, Queen's-road, R.F.A., Gnr. Killed Aug., 1917.

*CALLOW, Herbert A., 20, Ingate-road, H.M.D. George V., Engmn. Blown up June 3, 1917.
CAREY, Charles, 39, Caxton-road, R.F.A., Cpl. Died Dec. 2, 1918.
CASTON, Stephen, 21, Ingate, Labour Corps, Pte. Died Oct. 26, 1918.
CHAMBERS, Charles T., 95, Ingate, 2nd Border Regt., Pte. 1914 Star. Killed March 13, 1916.
CHANDLER, Arthur R., 62, Ingate-road, 1st Bedfords, Cpl. 1914 Star. Killed March 16, 1915.
CHATTERS, Percy J., 13, St. George's road, 7th Northamptons, Pte. Killed Jan. 24, 1917.
CHILVERS, Henry, 15, Old Market, 1/5 Suffolks, Pte. Killed Sept. 19, 1918.
CHRISTIE, John, 8, Frederick's-road, 21st Londons, Rflmn. 1914 Star. Killed Sept. 15, 1916.
CLARK, David A., 8, Station-road, 7th Suffolks, Sergt. Killed April 28, 1917.
CLARKE, Frank L., 81, Denmark-road, R.E., Spr. Killed Aug. 4, 1916.
CLARKE, William H., 44, Gosford-road, Dorsets, Pte. Died of W.. Sept. 28, 1915.
COE, Bertram, "Butcher's Arms", London-rd, 8th East Surreys, Cpl. Died of W.. Oct. 12, 1916.
*COOPER, Albion, 4, Stepping-hill, H.M.S. Vigorous, 2nd Hand. Died Mar. 24, 1919.
COPEMAN, John A., 7, Gresham-road, 8th Suffolks, L/Cpl. Killed July 31, 1917.
COPEMAN, Leonard F., 7, Gresham-road, East Yorkshires, Pte. Killed Nov. 13, 1916.
COWLES, Albert E., 1, Gresham-road, 7th Suffolks, L/Cpl. W. Killed Mar. 26, 1918.
CRISP, Arthur F., 34, Ingate-road, 2nd Last Lanes., L/Cpl. Killed Oct. 23, 1916.
CRISP, Frederick W., 30, Peddars-lane, 8th Battalion King's Liverpools, Pte. Killed Sept. 11, 1918.
CROFT, William C., 8, Dacre-place, R.F.A., Cpl. Fitter. Killed Aug. 12, 1917.
CUSHION, Alick, 17, Alexandra- road, I/5 Suffolks, Pte. Killed Oct. 17, 1917.
CUTTING, Arthur, 24, Fair Close-road, Roy. Canadian Dragoons, Sergt. Killed March 23, 1918.

DAY, Ernest R., 1A, Queen's-road, 1/5 Suffolks, Pte. Died of W.. Aug. 14, 1915.
DREWELL, Samuel J., Swines-green, Royal West Kents, Pte. Killed Aug. 9, 1918.
DREWELL, William, House-on-the-Marsh, 1/5 Suffolks, L/Cpl. Killed Nov. 2, 1917.
*DUDLEY-SCOTT, Henries K., Montagu House, R.A.F., 2nd Lt. Killed (acc.) Sept. 22, 1918.

ESTOLL, Frederick J., 4, Meacham's-yard, 1st Norfolks, Pte. Killed Sept. 16, 1914.
EVERSON, Arthur G., 109, Denmark-road, 1/4 Suffolks, Serge. M.M. Killed April 23, 1917.

FAIRHEAD, Sidney, 12, Shaw's-yard, 7th Norfolks, Pte. 1914 Star. Killed Oct., 1917.
FAIRWEATHER, Edward, 25, Smallgate, R.F.A., Q.M.S. Died of W.. July 31, 1916.
*FENN, James W., 25, Ingate, Royal Fusiliers, Pte. Died Oct. 28, 1918.
FIELD, William J., 80, Denmark-road, 1st Royal Fusiliers, 2nd Lt. M.C. Killed July 31, 1917.
FILBY, Thomas A., 2, Ballygate, South African Infantry, Pte. W. Killed March 23, 1918.
FINCH, John R., 3, Ravensmeer, 7th Suffolks, Pte. Killed March 26, 1918.
FORDER, Charles H., 9, Dacre-place, 1/5 Suffolks, Pte. Killed June 29, 1917.
FOSTER, Leonard J., 38, Ingate-road, 1st Northumberland Fusiliers, Pte. Killed Oct., 1914.
FREEMAN, Bertie W., 6, Saltgate, Devons, Pte. Died Sept. 4, 1917.
FREEMAN, Douglas A., 6, Saltgate, Suffolk Yeomanry, Tpr. Died of W.. Oct. 5, 1917.
FULLER, John S., 3, Ravensmeer East, 1st Essex, Pte. Blown up on Royal Edward, Aug. 14, 1915.

GARNHAM, Percival, Upper Grange-rd, 6th Gloucesters, 2nd Lt. W. Died Oct. 25, 1918.
GEORGE, Arthur S., 2, Thurlow's-yard, H.M. Minesweeper Begonia, A.B. Blown up Oct. 14, 1917.
GEORGE, Charles B., 2, Pleasant-place, 1st Norfolk, Pte. Killed April 23, 1917.
GEORGE, William A., 28, Ingate-rd, H.M.D. George V., Deck Hand. Blown up June 3, 1917.
GILL, Hubert H., 40, Ingate-road, R.A.S.C., Pte. (Butcher). Died of W.. Nov. 6, 1915.
GOFFIN, George, 23, Ingate, 7th Suffolks, Pte. Died of W.. April 17, 1916.
GOODERHAM, James T., 1, St. Anne's-road, 1/6 Liverpools, Sergt. Killed April 9, 1918.
*GOWER, Kenneth C., 26, Blyburgate, H.M.S. General Crauford, A.B. Died Jan. 23, 1918.
*GRIMMER, Charles E., 26, Northgate, R.A.S.C., Sergt. Died Aug. 20, 1917.
GROOM, Walter, 4, Ravensmeer,16th Yorks. & Lanes., Pte. Died Nov. 30, 1918.

*HADINGHAM, George H., 8, Fair Close-road, 2nd Norfolks, Pte. G. Died Jan. 26, 1918.
HADINGHAM, Harold Herbert, Peddars-lane, R.F.A., Sgnr. G. Died Nov. 10, 1918.
HALL, Herbert F., 118, Denmark-road, 135th Mach. Gun Corps, Sergt. Killed April 2, 1917.
HARLEY, Omar E., 40, St. Benedict's-road, R.F.A., B.S.M. W. Died Dec. 13, 1916.
HARPER, Francis T., 60, Ingate, 2nd Suffolks, Pte. Killed April 12, 1918.
HARPER, Jonathan D., 60, Ingate, 1/5 Suffolks, Pte. Killed Nov. 2, 1917.
HARPER, Harry, 29, Northgate,1st Suffolks, Pte. Killed (date not recorded).
HARMER, Major, 52, Northgate, 2nd Norfolks, Pioneer Sergt. Pris. Died Feb. 22, 1917.
HARVEY, Miles, 9, Gresham-road, Labour Corps, Pte. Died May 29, 1919.
HEMBLING, Arthur W., 30, Newgate, 1st Suffolks, Pte. W. Pris. Died of W.. May 8, 1915.
HOLLAND, Francis J., 131, Denmark-road, 1/4 Northants, Pte. Died of W.. Nov. 2, 1917.
HONEYWOOD, Leonard, l9;Ravensmeer, 2nd Suff., Pte. 1914 Star. W. Killed Jan. 22, 1916.
HOOK, George H., 2, Stone-yard, 1st Suffolks, Pte. Killed May 8, 1915.
HOWARD, Charles J., 1, Near New Market,1st Manchesters, Pte. Killed Dec. 23, 1914.
HUGHES, William G., 4, St. Anne's-road, 6th Cameron Highlanders, L/Cpl. Killed July 23, 1918.
HUTLEY, Frederick, 14, Kilbrack-road, 12th Royal Sussex, Pte. W. Killed June 3, 1916.

INGATE, Harry, 17, Blyburgate, Australian Imperial Force, Pte. Died April, 1916.

JACKSON, Hamilton R., Thatched house, R. A.S.C., 2nd Lt. Killed July 26, 1917.
JEFFERY, John A., 8, New Market, 23rd Londons, Pte. Died of W.. April 19, 1915.
JOHNSON, Thomas Pelham, Stratford Cott., R.A.S.C., Lt.-Col. M.D.4, D.S.O., Le Mer.Agric. Died June 12, 1918.
JONES, Walter T., 41, Alexandra-road, 9th Essex, L/Cpl Killed April 5, 1918.
JORDAN, Ernest W., 80. Northgate, 26th Australian Imperial Force, Pte. Died of W.. Aug. 3, 1916.
JUDGE, Alexander W., 6, Denmark-road, 1/6 Suffolks (Cyclists), Cpl. Died Feb. 25, 1915.

KEABLE, Joseph, 57, Northgate, H.M.S. Aboukir, 1st Class Stoker. Killed Sept. 22, 1914.
*KEARNS, Peter, Avondale,Waveney-rd, H.M. Hosp. Ship Garth Castle, Stew. W. Died July 3, 1918.
KING, Albert E., Blyburgate, R.A.M.C., Pte. Died of W.. March 21, 1918.
KIRBY, Walter E., 43, Ingate, Leinsters, Pte. Died April 9, 1918.
KNIGHTS, Jack K., 18, Puddingmoor, 1/5 Suffolks, Pte. Died of W.. April 22, 1917.
KNIGHTS, William M., 18, Puddingmoor, 2/1 Oxford and Bucks L.L, Pte. Killed July 19, 1916.

LARK, Frederick W., 13, Puddingmoor, Royal West Kents, Cpl. Killed July 18, 1917.
LARKE, Leslie T., 7, Puddingmoor, 7th Suffolks, Pte. Killed Oct. 12, 1917.
LAWS, Frank A., 2, St. George's-road, 11th Australian Imp. Force, Pte. Killed May 15, 1915.
LAWS, Frederick W., 2, St. George's-road, 2nd Suffolks, Pte. Killed April 11, 1917.
LAWS, George B., 73, Denmark-road, 22nd Northumb. Fusiliers, Pte. Killed March 21, 1918.
LAWS, William G., 3, Blyburgate, R.G.A., Gnr. Died Aug. 29, 1918.
LAWSON, Alfred G., 12, Waveney Valley Cottages, R.G.A., Gnr. Killed April 24, 1918.
LEON, Ernest, 54, Denmark-road, East Yorks, Pte. Killed Nov. 13, 1916.
LEON, Harry, 1, Queen's-road, 9th Essex, Pte. W. Killed April 7, 1918.
LEWELL, Leslie E., Ivy House, Old Mill-terrace, 15th Suffolks, Sergt. Killed March 9, 1918.
LIST, Charles H., 37, Alexandra-road, 4th Bedfords, Sergt. Killed Feb. 11, 1917.

*MARTIN, Edwin S., 22, Fair Close, R.F.A., Shoeing Smith. 1918.
MAYES, Frederick, 62, Ingate, Londons, Pte. W. Killed April 23, 1918.
MILLS, Herbert E., 10, Ballygate, Manchesters, Pte. Died of W.. Nov. 10, 1918.
MOBBS, Herbert A., 5, St. Mary's-road, l.3th Essex, Pte. Killed Nov. 30, 1917.
MOBBS, John C., 5, St. Mary's-road, 8th Suffolks, L/Cpl. Killed May 14, 1917.
MOBBS, Sidney, 93, Denmark-road, R.F.A., Gnr. Died Nov. 6, 1918.

NORMAN, Reginald W., 13, Ingate, 1/4 Welsh, Pte. Died of W.. Jan. 3, 1918.

OXBOROUGH, Frank S., 64, Blyburgate, 7th Suffolks, Cpl. Died of W.. Sept. 14, 1917.
OXBOROUGH, James E., 22, Old Mill-terrace, 9th Roy. Scots, L/Cpl. W. Killed April 12, 1918.

PALMER, Thomas N., Gosford-road, R.F.C., Pte, M.D, 2. Pris, Died ---
PARNELL, Albert J., Newgate, 1/4 Suffolks, Pte. Killed 1916.
PARR, Reginald W. H., 82, Denmark-road, K.R.R.C., Rifleman. Died of W.. Nov. 19, 1917.
PARR, William G., 5, Cliff Cottages, 12th East Surreys, Pte. Died of W.. Oct. 15, 1918.
PAYNE, Edward L., 1, Hungate-lane, 2nd Norfolks, Pte. Died of W.. Nov. 28, 1915.
PAYNE, Henry E., 1, Hungate-lane, R.F.A., Bomb. Killed Sept. 25, 1915.
PEACHEY, Frederick W., 20, London-road, R.F.A., Sergt. M.D. 1914 Star. Killed Sept. 9, 1917.
PEARL, Sidney R., 9, Swines green, 19th Middlesex, Pte. Killed Sept. 6, 1918.
PELLS, C. Elimore, Rookwood, 2nd Devons, 2nd Lt. Killed May 25, 1918.
PENMAN, Arnold, 65, Denmark-road, 9th Suffolks, Pte. Died of W.. Feb. 26, 1916.
PIPE, Edwin G., 9, Queen's-road, 2/4 Ox. and Bucks L.I., L/Cpl. Killed Sept. 10, 1917.
PIPE, Percy D., 9, Queen's-road, 2/4 Ox. and Bucks L.I., Pte. Killed March 29, 1918.
PIPE, Robert H., 9, Queen's-road, 2/4 Ox. and Bucks L.I., Sergt. Died of W.. Mar. 29, 1918.
PIPE, William J., 9, Queen's-road, Hon. A.C., Inf. Batt., Pte. Killed May 3, 1917.
PIPE, Samuel J., 3, Fen-lane, 19th Middlesex, Pte. Killed Oct. 25, 1917.
PIPE, William, Brickyard, Ingate, 21st Manchesters, Pte. Killed June, 1916.
PLEASANTS, Charles A., 54, Puddingmoor, 14th Hants, Pte. Killed Oct. 5, 1916.
PLEASANTS, Henry A., 54, Puddingmoor, City of London, Pte. Killed Oct. 30, 1917.
PLEASANTS, Thomas, 54, Puddingmoor, Lab. Corps, Pte. Killed (acc.) March 28, 1918.
PLEASANTS, William, 54, Puddingmoor, 8th Suffolks, Pte. Killed May 5, 1917.
POLL, Arthur S., 17, Douglas-place, 15th Suffolk, Pte. Killed Sept. 23, 1918.
PRIME, Walter, 9, Knights'-yard, Ravensmeer, 1/4 Suffolks, Pte. Killed April 25, 1918.
PURLAND, Alfred S., 3, Dacre-place, 1/5 Suffolks, Pte. Killed Nov. 2, 1917.

RACKHAM, Albert J., 40, Denmark-road, 7th Suffolks, L/Sergt. Killed Oct. 13, 1915.
*RACKHAM, Herbert J., 75, Denmark-road, 6th R. W. Surreys, Pte. W. Died Oct. 31, 1918.
READ, Archie, Gresham House, Smallgate, R.A.M.C., Pte. Died of W.. April 7, 1918.
READ, William, St. George's-road, 1st East Kents, Pte. Killed July 1, 1918.
REEDER, Thomas C., 64, Denmark-road, 7th Norfolks, C.S.M. Killed Oct. 12, 1916.
RICHARDSON, Herbert A., 32, Upper Grange-rd., 1st Tynsde. Sc. North'd. Fus., Pte. Died of W.. Oct. 20, 1917.
*RICHES, Arthur C., 29, Blyburgate, R.F.A., Dr. Died Oct. 6, 1915.
ROBINSON, Lionel W., 37, Ballygate, 6th Bedfords, Sergt. Killed July 15, 1916.
ROE, Archibald G., 53, Caxton-road, 1/6 Suffolks (Cyclists), Sergt. Died Oct. 23, 1915.
ROE, Harold A., 22, Ballygate, 1/5 Suffolks, Pte. Died April 30, 1915. ROE, James, 14, Old Mill-terrace, 9th Suffolks, Pte. Killed Sept. 16, 1916.
ROGERS, Frederick, 1, Harbourage, 1st Dorsets, Sergt. 1914 Star. W. 5. Died of W.. July 12, 1917.
ROOFE, Matthew, 1, Wash-lane, Cambridge Regt., Pte. Killed April 14, 1917.
ROWSELL, Herbert G., The Rectory, 14th Hants, Capt. Killed Sept. 3, 1916.
RUSH, Frederick, Ravensmeer Cottage, 9th Norfolks, L/Cpl. Killed Sept. 15, 1916.

*SAKER, Charles R., 54, Ingate, H.M.D. Canopus, Deck Hand. Died Feb. 25, 1919.
SALTER, Harry E., Swines-green, 9th Suffolks, Pte. Killed April 22, 1917.
SAMPSON, Frederick J., 3, Gosford-road, H.M.S. Pathfinder, 1st Cl. Stkr. Blown up Sept. 5, 1914.
SAMPSON, James, 22, Old Mill-terrace, 2nd Norfolks, Pte. Died of W.. Sept., 1915.
SAMPSON, Robert, 2, Shelton-place, Royal West Kents, Pte. Died of W.. July 26, 1916.
SANDY, Ernest. Ellough-road, East Surreys, Pte. W. 3 and G. Killed May 20, 1918.
SARBUTT, Albert, 5, Old hill-terrace, 1/4 Suffolks, L/Cpl. Killed May 14, 1916.
SAUNDERS, Charles, 3. St. George's-road, West Yorks, 2nd Lt. Killed July 1, 1916.
*SCREATON, John R., 70, Northgate, Royal Irish Fusiliers, Pte. Died Feb. 13, 1919.
SEAGO, Frederick William, 5, Pleasant-place, 5th Northumb. Fus., Pte. Killed Aug. 26, 1914.

SELF, Johnson T., Ellough-road Farm, 2nd Suffolks, Pte. W. Killed Sept. 27, 1917.
SELF, Reginald, Rigbone-hill, Australian Imp. Force, Pte. Died Aug. 5, 1916.
SHIPLEE, Alfred, New Market,  K.R.R.C., Rflmn. Killed June 6, 1917.
SHIPLEE, James D., New Market, 2nd Royal Berks, Pte. Died of W.. Dec. 6, 1917.
*SIMMONDS, Edward, 37, Queen's-road, 1916, R.G.A., Gnr. Died of W.. June 29, 1918.
SIMMONS, Francis W., 10, St. George's-road, 1/5 Suffolks, Pte. Killed Oct. 2, 1917.
SMITH, Arthur St. C., 4, St. Anne's-road, 2nd City of Londons, Pte. Died of W.. Sept. 16, 1916.
SMITH, Ernest W. F., 17, Puddingmoor, 1/5 Suffolks, Pte. W. Killed Nov. 2, 1917.
SMITH, Sydney E. D., Cameron House, London Irish Rifles, Cpl. Killed May 22, 1916.
SMITH, William, 7, Ingate, 3rd Canadians, Pte. Killed Oct. 8, 1916.
SNELL, Edward W., 15, St. George's-road, 1/5 Suffolks, L/Cpl. Killed Aug. 21, 1915.
SOANES, Frederick, Common Farm, 7th Royal Fusiliers, Pte. Killed Nov. 13, 1916.
SOANES, George W., 2, Peddars-lane, 7th Northants, Pte. Killed Sept. 21, 1918.
SOANES, William, Ingate-place, 1915, South African Inf., Pte. Died of W.. April 15, 1917.
SPALDING, Charles, 2, Kemp's-lane, 8th Suffolks, Pte. W. Killed Oct. 12, 1917.
SPEARE, William S., 30, Gosford-road, Royal West Surreys, Pte. Killed Nov. 21, 1916.
SPORNE, Walter, 30, Newgate,    , 75th Canadians, L/Cpl. Killed Sept. 30, 1918.
STIMPSON, Edwin R., 41, Ingate-road, 7th Suffolks, Cpl. Died of W.. Feb. 29, 1916.
STONE, George W., 7, Hungate-lane, 7th Suffolks, Pte. Killed July 3, 1916.
SUTTON, Walter, 145, Denmark-road, R.A.M.C. (F.A.), Pte. Blown up, Aug. 14, 1918.

TAYLOR, Arthur, " Black Boy," Blyburgate, R.A.S.C., Dr. Died July 20, 1916.
TAYLOR, Percy D., 8, Queen's-road, Grenadier Guards, Pte. W. Killed May 27, 1918.
THORLEY, John, 32, Ravensmeer East, R.F.A., Gnr. Died Sept. 7, 1917.
THORPE, Frederick P., 16, Lady's-meadow, R.E., R.O.D., Spr. Died May 8, 1919.

*THORPE, William H., 16, Lady's-meadow, R.F.A., Cpl. Died March 1, 1917.
THURLING, Ralph W., 2, New Market, 1st Norfolks, Pte. Killed Sept. 4, 1916.
*TOOK, Cyril A., Fairholme, Waveney-rd, 12th Suffolks, 2nd Lt. 1915 Star. W.2. Died Aug. 14, 1919.
TORBELL, Stanley E., 23, Alexandra-road, Rifle Brigade, Rflmn. Died of W.. May 4, 1918.
TOWNSEND, George J., 4, Caxton-road, 7th Suffolks, Cpl. Died of W.. April, 1918.
TURNER, George F., 11, Old Mill-terrace, 22nd Londons, Pte. Killed March 31, 1918.

WALPOLE, Olley, 3, Stepping-hi11, Canad. Cycle Corps, Cpl. M.M., 1914 Star. Killed Oct. 11, 1918.
WARD, James W., 32, Gosford-road, R.E., Spr. Died Aug., 1915.
WARD, John M, 34, Fair Close-road, 2nd Suffolks, L/Cpl. Died Jan. 10, 1917.
WARD, Percy, 47, Caxton-road, R.E., Spr. W. Drowned (at Arras) May 21, 1917.
WARNES, Ambrose J., 1, Nelson-yard, 7th Norfolks, Pte. Killed Oct. 14, 1917.
*WATERS, William Burgoine, 17, Douglas-place, 1st Norfolks, Sergt. W. and G. Died of W.. May 21, 1917.
WIGGETT, William H., 14, Queen's-road, R.E., Spr. W. Died of W.. March 22, 1918.
WILKINSON, Eric F., Ashman's-road, Mach. Gun Corps, Pte. Died (whilst Pris.) June 9, 1918.
*WILSON, Herbert, 19, Pound-road, R.F.A., Gnr. Died Nov. 27, 1915.
WINTER, Albert J., 2, Shaw's-yard, 1/5 Suffolks, Pte. Killed Oct. 3, 1915.
WRIGHT, Reginald G., Council School-yard, 7th Suffolks, Pte. Killed July 3, 1916.

YOUNGS, Robert W., 28, Denmark-road, 1st Northd. Fus., L/Cpl. 1914 Star. Died of W.. Sept. 29, 1918.

For more information, please see David Lindley's website here.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Harriet Miall & Henry Barnard : Partners in Crime

I love reading all about the colourful characters in Beccles past. They seem so much less seedy and roguish with the passing of time, and become part of the lovable tapestry of our history.

Beccles has had many colourful characters in its Victorian and Edwardian past, including lovable partners in crime, Harriet Miall (alias, Swop or Swap) and her "paramour", Henry Barnard.

In April 1858, Harriet and Henry were charged with stealing from a William Clarke of Willingham. The way they went about the crime was rather cunning but, in those times, all too common. William Clarke met with Harriet at the Falcon Inn in New Market, Beccles on 10 April 1858. They began talking and Clarke offered to buy her a beer. When he brought her the beer, Harriet pocketed the 9d change. Shortly afterwards, Clarke left the Falcon to collect a parcel that was being held for him by a local ostler at the Cross Keys in Hungate, and then started off home.

Suddenly William Clarke was flanked on both sides by Harriet Miall and her partner Henry Barnard, walking alongside Clarke and talking to him animatedly about the 'stolen' change. Laughing and talking, Harriet proceeded to touch Clarke, putting her arms around him and jostling him merrily as she laughed and joked. After they left Clarke, he finally noticed that certain items on his person were missing. His silver watch, a silk pocket-handkerchief and the parcel (which contained a pair of trousers)!

William Clarke would have walked along
this alley from The Falcon In to get
to the Cross Keys in 1858

On the following morning William Clarke did not go to the police, as would have been wise, but confronted the pair and accused them outright of stealing from him. Harriet became verbally abusive and allegedly threw the silk handkerchief at Clarke, stating "that was all she had got." Sergeant Taylor was then informed by Clarke of the crime against him and he (Taylor) searched Harriet's house and apprehended both her and Henry Barnard.

Henry Barnard was discharged but Harriet Miall, admitting to having stolen the goods from William Clarke, pleaded not guilty to the charges. The handkerchief was produced in court but the watch and trousers had not been found. Harriet Miall denied stealing but then withdrew that plea and pleaded not guilty. She was accordingly committed for trial.

On 14 January 1861, Harriet Miall and Henry Barnard were married at St Michael's Church in Beccles. Henry was born in Beccles and was the son of Thomas Barnard and Sarah, nee Brooks of Beccles. In 1841 the Barnard family resided in Puddingmoor. In 1851, Henry's widowed mother Sarah was described as a "Pauper" living in Smallgate Street. Harriet Myall (note surname variant) was born on 16 July 1828 in Mettingham and was the daughter of James Myall and Judith, nee Homes. In 1841 the Myall family lived in Mettingham. In 1851, Harriet's widowed mother Judith was described as a "Pauper" living in High Road, Shipmeadow with her son, Philip Myall.

Harriet and Henry lived in Newgate Street in 1861. Henry was described as an Agricultural Labourer and Harriet as a Silk Weaver. In March 1867 Henry Barnard and another man were found walking from Haddingham's Mill, one of them carrying a sack. When Police-Constable Adams followed them on foot, Barnard broke into a run and dropped the sack which was filled with potatoes (valued at 4 shillings). Henry was sentenced to three weeks imprisonment with hard labour.

By 1871 Henry and Harriet were living in Marske, county Yorkshire where Henry worked as a Ironstone Miner. Henry died in Marske in 1878, aged 43. In 1881, Harriet is a widower, living in Jackson Street, Brotton (Yorkshire), with James Smith, who was also a Ironstone Miner. Harriet was living in Skelton by 1891 and is described as widowed, aged 63, born in Suffolk. Harriet died in 1893, aged 66. It would appear that Harriet and Henry never had any children.

Ironstone Mine at Upleatham, New Marske
possibly the workplace of Henry Barnard

Image 1: The Story of a Beccles Inn by Dorothy Smith, 1999 (Beccles Museum Books).
Image 2:
Newspapers: Ipswich Journal/Norfolk Chronicle.
Harriet Miall - surname also spelt Myall; Nyall.
Henry Barnard - surname also spelt Bernard.